Why are different Training Methods / Repetition Ranges / Exercise Variation important?
To support adaptations to occur in a positive matter by re-stimulating the muscle at the right time and intensity to continuously progress + adapt by limiting plateaus towards the Short term goals: 1 – 4 weeks Medium term goals: 1 – 2 months Long term goals: 6 month – 1 year.
Example of training notes:-
–Week 1: 3×10 Back squat mid stance at 100kg at TEMPO 4010 2mins rest
RPE: Set 1: 8/10 Set 2: 9/10 Set 3: 10/10
–Week 2: 3x10 Back squat mid stance at 100kg at TEMPO 4010 2mins rest
RPE: Set 1: 6-7/10 (increase weight to 110kg) Set 2: 9/10 Set 3: 10/10
RPE: Set 1: 9/10 Set 2: 10/10 Set 3: 10/10 (7 reps achieved)
Note: Once reversibility starts and progression stops. Plateau start to occur and you stop adapting in a progressive manner. As weeks 3 and 4 show.
–What needs to be done?
You need to change exercise/variation or training method or rep range
–When does change need to occur?
A change needs to occur the week before a plateau occurs
To allow for consistent adaptation and progression which will limit reversibility.
-How do know when you are going to plateau?
Do a ‘Dummy Run’
Do the same exercise/rest/set only progress weight and see how long it takes to plateau on the exercise.
e.g., On week 4 a plateau occurred, start to change the exercise/variationor training method or rep range for Week 3.
Note: As you progress through from beginner to advanced more change will need to occur more frequently.
What can affect how quickly a Plateau occurs?
Changes need to occur every to 1 – 6 weeks depending on your goal.